Studies have shown that a small percentage of cases in the family law courts take up a huge amount of the court’s time and resources. These are known as high conflict custody cases that involve parents who want to use the family law system to wage a war against the other parent. These cases often involve multiple hearings over a short period of time, a constant sense of crisis and a lack of ability for the parents to communicate and focus on their children. These cases can also take an incredible amount of attorney time. If you are a parent involved in a high conflict case and want to try to change the direction of your case so that your children can heal and grow emotionally, it is important that you have an experienced lawyer that is on your side and committed to a strategy that is child centered. 

Parents are important role models for their children and how they treat each other is something that their children watch, and often imitate. In the best of circumstances, children watch their parents communicate in a healthy way and treat each other with dignity. In the worst of circumstances, children become afraid every time there is the possibility that their parents will be in the same room. In these high conflict cases, we can develop a parenting plan that minimizes face-to-face contact, creates predictability and certainty in the day-to-day schedule and reduces the likelihood that you will be back in court often.

I have served on the Pima County Court Committee on Judicial Supervision and on the state and national boards of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, organizations committed to children’s well-being in the family law system. I also have been a long-term board member and past chairperson of CODAC, a large Pima County nonprofit corporation committed to providing health and wellness services to the community in providing an array of substance abuse services. This background along with my years of experience in court put me in a unique position to come up with predictable solutions to minimize conflict between parents so that children can thrive. Some of the tools we can use to reduce conflict are supervised visits, supervised exchanges, strict rules of communication, mandatory counseling, anger control classes and in some cases, limited contact between the conflict causing parent and the children.

If you have high conflict case and want it to stop, contact me by phone or through this website for a free consultation to discuss how you can accomplish your goal.

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