How Bad Is Divorce on Children?

How Bad Is Divorce on Children?

Divorce on Children: Signs of Struggle Let’s face it, most children would not choose to have their parents divorced. Studies show that even when many children are adults, they still regret their parents’ divorce and rate it as one of the most traumatic things that...
Avoid the Child Support Blues

Avoid the Child Support Blues

One of the most depressing types of cases I handle involve parents, usually fathers, who have significant child support arrears (a past due amount.)  Most past due child support accrues interest at the rate of 10% which is awfully high in today’s market – where...
Are Child Support Orders Permanent?

Are Child Support Orders Permanent?

I was honored to serve on the Supreme Court Committee to Modify the Arizona Child Support Guidelines several years ago.  Arizona has a pretty strict formula for calculating child support. It takes into account the income of each parent, the cost of insurance, the cost...
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