When Parents Cannot Agree on School Choices
The economy is reopening and most people in Arizona anticipate that come fall, schools will be back to live learning also. Some schools may still give parents a choice of remote learning or live learning. If the Covid numbers continue to decline and the rate of...
New Court of Appeals Ruling: Equal Time Not Automatic
It has been several years since the legislature adopted ARS 25-403.02. Some people dubbed this the “equal time presumption” statute. The statute says that the court, consistent with the child’s best interests (it cites several statutes that define the child’s best...
School, Covid, Custody and The Courts
School has started for most students in Pima County. There are several different models being used by different schools. Many schools are only allowing distant learning until at least late fall and possibly later. Some charter schools and public school districts are...
Should I Wait to File My Family Law Case Because of COVID-19 Issues?
These are difficult and unpredictable times. Many people are wondering whether to delay filing their paternity case, divorce or other family law case because of the Pandemic. Hopefully this note will give you some guidance in making your decision. Pima County...