Family Law Blog
Avoid the Child Support Blues
One of the most depressing types of cases I handle involve parents, usually fathers, who have significant child support arrears (a past due amount.) Most past due child support accrues interest at...
Children Who Use Too Much Social Media Can Get Anxious and Depressed
Should the Parent Who Has Strict Rules about Social Media Get Custody? Arizona law, found in ARS 25-403, lists the important factors that the court is required to consider when determining legal...
What Should I do if My Separation Involves Substance Abuse?
Some parents have a serious problem in this area and in other cases, a parent will exaggerate or make up stories about the other parent’s drinking and drugging. The courts take substance abuse very seriously and if they hear credible evidence of a drug or alcohol problem, they will likely issue orders to…
What is a High Conflict Custody Case?
In the best of circumstances, children watch their parents communicate in a healthy way and treat each other with dignity. In the worst of circumstances, children become afraid every time there is the possibility that their parents will be in the same room. In these high conflict cases, we can develop a…
Are Child Support Orders Permanent?
These days child care for just one child can be over $500 a month and a parent who is earning the higher amount can be forced to pay hundreds of dollars in addition to the regular child support amount. On the other hand, anyone who has raised…